Monday, September 20, 2010

Homeschool Fun

This year, we are going on a grand homeschooling adventure. Though I was apprehensive at first, we have had a great time so far. Caden is really happy, and Vance is learning so much from his brother. Even though we have only been at it for a few weeks, I have already noticed that the boys seem a lot closer to each other and fight a lot less.

This is a picture of Caden on the day of his first school outing. Also, a picture of Vance on his first day of "preschool." He is a crazy little man!

Here is Caden's Lego reenactment of Horatius at the Bridge. He was teaching Vance about the famous Roman (Horatius) who defended the city of Rome from the Etruscan army. I love teaching history to boys who love Star Wars. Caden says, 'Hey, Mom. If you take away the "e"and the "r" and replace "army" with "raiders," then you have "Tuskan Raiders."' Also, Star Wars came in handy when trying to explain the concept of senators (i.e. Palpatine and Amidala).
I tried to explain to Caden that I don't think the Roman soldiers had guns or blasters. He replied, "I know, Mom...but, I don't have any more weapons!"

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Celebrate the family!

This month, we are celebrating the 15th anniversary of "The Family: A Proclamation to the World." I was in my second year of college when this proclamation was released by the prophet, President Hinckley, and to be quite honest, I did not come close to fully understanding the significance of its contents. Now, we see throughout our society blatant attacks against marriage and family. The words of this proclamation mean so much more to me now that I am raising a family of my own. Check out some wonderful ideas and blog entries that help us celebrate families at one of my favorite sites, Chocolate on My Cranium.

"...marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God..."
I love my husband! He has great integrity, a wonderful work ethic, and a marvelous talent for being organized and getting things done. He's my go to guy for dealing with pushy people, conflict resolution, and discipline issues with the boys. I am often admiring how he can just plow through and get things done.
It is so comforting to know that we have God in our marriage. That knowledge helps us get through the difficult and stressful times. As long as we are striving to keep our covenants, we will be okay. As we strengthen our relationship with each other, we become a strong companionship that can accomplish many important works, including raising our two wonderful boys. "...the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children."
Not to brag, but I have wonderful qualities, too. I firmly believe in the whole "honey catches more flies than vinegar" theory. I find it easy to see the beauty in those around me and hand out compliments accordingly. I long to nurture others and teach gospel principles.
Despite the fact that Tevye and I have totally different strengths from each other (which differences come not only from our personalities, but also from our gender differences), we work well together in raising our family. Our children benefit from both of our strengths to receive a well-rounded upbringing.
It is in our family that we learn important skills, such as working and playing well with others, serving one another, loving unconditionally, obedience, leadership, and effective communication. I love knowing the many quirks of my family members, and I work hard to let them feel safe to be who they truly are around me. After all, I have many quirks of my own, and they let me be me!
Enjoy this month of familiy celebration! I hope that this post inspires you to strive to strengthen family relationships and stand up for this divine institution known as "family."