Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Homeschool Art

I love homeschooling Caden! He likes it, too. We are studying animals in art and abstract sculptures. A while ago, he was given an assignment to find a real photograph of an animal to use as a model for a realistic drawing. My goofy boy (and I say "goofy" with much love and admiration) chose the photograph of a naked mole rat. They are not particularly attractive creatures, but they have buck teeth and wrinkley skin, which I imagine will be what I will look like in about twenty to thirty years from now. Anyway, here are the pictures of his realistic and abstract sculptures of this odd animal. This realistic sculpture actually has the two teeth on it, but it is hard to see them.

Caden proudly showing off his abstract work of art.

The materials: one hot dog bun, part of a necco waffer, four broken crayons, two nerds candies, and a rootbeer jellybean. It reminds me of an animal that might be featured on "Twilight."


Karen said...

Cute little animal! Your boys are adorable. :)