Saturday, April 28, 2012

Not So Free Fish

We all had a ton of fun at Caden’s first Blue and Gold dinner for Cub Scouts.  After the dinner and award program, the boys raced fish to see who could get their fish to the end of the rain gutter the fastest.  Caden’s fish was very stubborn and definitely did not win.  The plan of the people who were in charge was to let all the boys take home their fish.  Vance was excited and named his fish “Sharpie.”  That was when I knew we were in trouble.  Tevye tried our best to explain to the boys that a fish that small would quickly get eaten by the other fish in our tank, and we could not accept the fish.  Caden very maturely said it was okay, and gave his fish back.  Vance, however, broke into the saddest sobbing I have ever witnessed.  To shorten the story a little, we ended up talking him into giving the fish to Sister Williams to “babysit” it until it grew large enough, and the next day Tevye and the boys came back from the fish store with about $70 worth of fish (the fish that are big enough to survive in our aquarium are expensive, unfortunately).  So much for a free fish!

I thought for sure that someone would accidently skewer their fish with a straw.

Caden's fish was so stubborn that our friend, Jacob, tried to help him out.

My friend, Jen Cassida, holding Danica.