Friday, January 23, 2009

Rainy Day Fun

We are finally getting some rain here in southern California. Caden and Vance joyfully wore their rain boots when we took Caden to school today. When Vance and I got home, I decided that he really needed to be able to run around and splash in the puddles. He was elated! It turns out that all of the pot holes in our car port area make great rain puddles. Between those and the water flowing through the swale, Vance had plenty of options for splashing. Even though he had the rain boots on, the water splashed so high that his socks and his pants got soaked. Then, he would run up to the water drops coming off the roof and try to catch them. Watching all of this, I couldn't help but get a nostalgic feeling about my childhood in Olympia, Washington. It rained all the time there, but as a kid, I loved it! Thankfully, Vance had a chance to play in rain today!


Fritters said...

my kids like to jump in puddles and get all wet too! Did you take that pix? It's really cool!

Scattolon said...

That is such a beautiful picture! I didn't know I would love the snow so much until I was here. I am glad we didn't have a pipe burst or anything, but I kept your warning of your Christmas surprise in Washington with me to make sure we were prepared.