Saturday, September 3, 2011

Vance's 1st Day of Kindergarten

As some of you know, Vance has been protesting against going to school for quite some time now. Usually, he simply and calmly has stated, "I'm not going to kindergarten," or, "I'm still not excited for kindergarten." Tevye and I have been confident that once he got into school he would love it, but still, Vance had me a little bit worried for that first day.

Well, the day finally arrived, and not only did he refrain from protesting, but he also was very excited. It helped that I told him I would take him to Wendy's for a frosty and lunch right before school- to celebrate, not to bribe (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it). My mom came out that day to take Caden to soccer practice after school (I had a doctor's appointment), so Vance was excited to have her and Caden accompany us.

Unfortunately, Caden wasn't feeling well that morning and ended up puking right before we got into the car. Thankfully, Mom was able to stay home with Caden while I took Vance out. Vance was very bummed that they couldn't go, but in the end, he and I had a really nice time together (and I brought some Wendy's back for Mom and Caden after dropping off Vance).

Since we were in a hurry, I let Vance eat his frosty first- he thought that was awesome!

While we stood in line waiting for the teachers to let the kids into the cafeteria, I could tell Vance was a little bit apprehensive, but he was courageous and didn't let on to that fact. He walked right up to the teacher and told her his name, gave me a hug and kiss, and took off without looking back. When I picked him up at the end of the day, he was as happy as could be and very talkative. His only complaint was that he didn't get to play with the play dough and had to settle for the bears and blocks instead. Also, he figured out who the two trouble-maker kids were in class ("naughty" as he called them) and said that they didn't get a pretzel or m&m's like the rest of the class. Vance really like that he got to eat the pretzel and m&m's.

I am so proud of my Vance-man! Their is something about his personality that captures my heart. He will do great this year!


The Shaws said...

Vance...I can always count on him to be the first one in class to get 10 stars...everytime. He is so sweet.