Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What'cha Talkin' 'Bout, Willis?

This morning, I had to break the bad news to Caden.

Me- "Caden, go change your clothes."
Caden- "Okay. Where are we going?"
Me- "To school."
Caden-"What? Noooo! I don't like school!"
Me- "What don't you like about it."
Caden- "It's boring."
Me- "Well, it's the law now that you have to go to school. Sorry."
Caden- whining, crying, more whining


Jennie-O said...

I thought he liked school? Just bribe him with more mystery pizza...I'm gonna make a good parent some day!!

Team Carlson! said...

So looking forward to the school madness.
You crack me up.
We need to hang out.
I'm just sayin'.